More voices on WSLE's soaring costs:

“The Board’s motion shows that Sound Transit is approaching the problem as though it is just about the agency budget, but that narrow view ignores the bigger question raised by the FEIS, which is that despite the extravagant cost the project accomplishes very little.”

The West Seattle Link Extension has gone off the Rails | Washington Policy Center

“While the summary talks about the positive impacts, it misleads the public by not even mentioning any adverse carbon impacts from its construction.”

West Seattle Link and Climate Change | Seattle Transit Blog

Sound Transit expansion continues to be a hot button issue and the co founders of Smarter Transit are calling for a pause on the expansion efforts, despite being big believers in public transit.

Making the case to pause ST3 | Smarter Transit


How to comment on the West Seattle Light Rail extension: You have less than 30 days


It's not just us. Other voices on WSLE's soaring costs: